HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method

What is HypnoBirthing?


HypnoBirthing is a unique and proven method of natural childbirth education – focused on achieving a calm, gentle and positive birth experience.

Created by Marie Mongan, HypnoBirthing takes the stance that both mum's and baby's bodies are naturally created to give birth comfortably – and that they work together in harmony to do so. Through practiced breathing techniques, visualizations and prompts from their partners, mothers can train their brain to elicit a deep relaxation response on demand.

Delivered through a 5-week course – HypnoBirthing is designed to prepare you and your birth companion to feel empowered and confident to navigate your birthing journey, whatever turn your birth story takes.

Enhanced by relaxation, self-hypnosis , affirmations and guided visualizations, HypnoBirthing allows you to call upon your natural abilities to bring your baby into this world – through a safer, easier, and more comfortable birth. 

You’ll learn specialized techniques of deep relaxation, self-hypnosis, breathing, visualizations and positive affirmations to assist in both your labour and in the weeks leading up.

HypnoBirthing will help you to overcome the fears you have surrounding your birth and support you to trust your body to birth in a calmer, more comfortable way – welcoming your baby into this world feeling positive and proud.

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The 5-Week Course:

Session 1: Building A Positive Expectancy

Session 2: Falling in Love with Your Baby/Preparing Mind & Body

Session 3: Getting Ready to Welcome your Baby

Session 4: Overview of Childbirth—A Labour of Love

Session 5: Birthing—Breathing Love, Bringing Life

What You’ll Gain:

  • Help prepare you to give birth calmly and confidently

  • Deepen the connection with your body, your baby and your birth partner

  • An understanding of proven labour techniques to reduce pain and fear in birth

  • Educate you to feel informed on your choices and preferences

  • Help you be fully supported by your birth partner and the birth team around you

  • Prepare you to manage varying birth situations, from home birth to medical interventions and inductions

  • Reduce the possibilities of postnatal depression and anxiety

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What You’ll Learn:

  • Breathing techniques that quickly create a state of relaxation and comfort

  • Positions and techniques to bring about a deeper level of relaxation

  • Visualisations to make birthing easier

  • Methods to bring about a natural start to labour

  • What to expect during the last few weeks, at the onset and during labour and how the body will work with you

  • How to clear anxieties, limiting beliefs or fear surrounding birth and labour

  • How your birth companion can help and be an active part of the birth

How Effective is HypnoBirthing?

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Fear Release

Helping you release any unwanted fear before labour begins

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Natural Birth

Teaching you strategies to make birth more natural and comfortable

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Calm & Control

Stay calm and in control no matter what is happening around you

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The Tools

Discover the tools to stay relaxed and as stress-free as possible


"My dream is that every woman everywhere will know the joy of a safe, satisfying birth, for both herself and her baby"

– Marie F. Mongan, HypnoBirthing Founder

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